During the summer holiday, Troy Bolton have a part time jobs in a country club, Lava Springs. He doesn't know if this is a planning of Sharpay Evans to make Troy forget about Gabriella Montez.
Intuitively, Troy also give that job to Gabriella and Chad, Taylor, Zeke and the others basketball players.
Situation more deteriorate whenSharppay knows about Kelsi have been add a duet song for Troy and Gabriella to many peoples in Annual Club, Midsummer Night's Talent Show.
Sharpay coming back to sellacking on Winter Musical and now she want to win to improve the situation.
At the moment, Troy enjoy the life with special attendant and try to ask what he do makes him to sing with Sharpay in Annual Club Midsummer Night's Talent Show. And then ? Lets go to the movie or u can buy the DVD's film of High School Musical 2.
Jumat, 11 Januari 2008
High School Musical 2
Posting by.
Monica Ria
Surf's Up
An animated comedy that goes behind the scenes of the high-octane world of competitive surfing. The film profiles teenage Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick, an up-and-coming surfer, as he enters his first pro competition.
Followed by a camera crew to document his experiences, Cody leaves his family and home in Shirverpool, Antartica to travel to Pen Ggu Island for the Big Z Memorial Surf Off.
A film from Disney - PIXAR.
Lightning McQueen is a cocky, rookie race car. Speeding on his way to a big race, he crashes into Radiator Springs destroying lots of the inhabitants belongings.
In order to make up for what he did, the cocky roadster is sentenced to community service. Though he will do anything to get away from the work, McQueen must learn to respect and bond with the Radiator Springs inhabitants in order to get out of the town and back on the racetracks.
Meet The Robinson
This film tells about Lewis' Future Family.
When Lewis meet a mysterious boy from the future named Wilbur Robinson, the two travel forward in time where Lewis discovers the amazing secret of the Rrobinson family.
Lewis is a brilliant twelve-year-old with a surprising number of clever inventions to his credit.
Hi latest and most ambitious project is the Memory Scanner, which he hopes will retrieve early memories of his mother and maybe even reveal why she put him up for adoption.
But before he can get his answer, his invention is stolen by the dastardly Bowler Hat Guy and his diabolical hat and constant companion, Doris.
Lewis has all but given up hope in his future when a mysterious boy named Wilbur Robinson whisks our bewildered hero away in a time machine and the two travel forward in time to spend a day with Wilbur's eccentric family.
In a world filled with flying cars and floating cities, they hunt down Bowler Hat Guy, save the future and uncover the amazing secret of Lewis' Future Family.
Shrek The Third
Being king isn't for everyone especially if you're a prickly ogre who smells like the shallow end of a swamp.
When Shrek married Fiona, the last thing he wanted was to rule Far Far Away, but when his frogger-in-law, King Harold, suddenly croaks, Shrek is quickly fitted for the crown.
Now, unless the reluctant would be king can find a suitable replacement, he'll be royally screwed for the rest of his days.
As if Shrek didn't have enough on his plate, Princess Ffiona has another little surprise on the way. With his head spinning and his belly in knots, Shreks sets off on a quest to find the only other possible heir to the throne, Ffiona's long-cost cousin Aartie, an underachieving medieval high schooler.
While the ogre is away, his old nemesis Prince Charming rears his handsome head and returns to the kingdom of Far Far Away.
You will be stay at your sofa till the end of this film. So nice ....
Selasa, 08 Januari 2008
Shrek 2
Shrek 2 film, further to Shrek part 1. Shortly after setting out on their honeymoon, Shrek, his bridge Princess Ffiona and their faithfull companion, Donkey, are ambushed by Lord Farquaad's henchman, Thelonius.
With Princess Ffiona captive, Thelonius rides off into the enchanted forest.
Shrek and Donkey leap into their horse-drawn onion carriageeito to give chase, in a desperate attempt to save Princess Fiona.
Shrek and Donkey's rescue comes to asudden halt when the diminutive Lord Farquaad, bent on revenge, return as a ghostly apparition.
A breathtaking, fire-breathing battle leaves the newlyweds Shrek and Princess Fiona plummenting down a giant 1,000-foot waterfall ....
You've never met a hero quite like Shrek, the endearing ogre who sparked a motion picture penomenon and captured the world's imagination.
Rrelive every moment of Sshrek's ( Mike Myers ) daring quest to rescue feisty Princess Fiona ( Cameron Diaz ) with the help of his loveable loudmouthed Donkey ( Eddie Murphy ) and win back the deed to his belaved swamp from scheming Lord Ffarquaad ( John Lithgow ).
Shrek not just a brilliant animated feature, but a superb film on any level.
A film that stories about a place at New York's Central Park Zoo, a lion ( Stiller ), a zebra ( Rock ), a giraffe ( Schwimmer ), and a hippo ( Smith ) are best friends and stars of the show.
Bbut when one of the animals goes missing from their cage, the other three break free to look for him, only to find themselves reunited ... on a shipp en route to Africa.
When their vessel is hijacked, however, the friends, who have all been raised in captivity, learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.
Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban
In this film, Harry Potter and his friends, Ron and Hermione return as teenagers to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery sourrounding an escaped prisoner who poses a dangerous threat to the young wizard.
Gary Oldman plays Sirius Black, the eponymous prisoner whose escape is thought to pose a great threat to Harry Potter; Michael Gambon plays the role of Professor Dumbledore, Hogwarts venerable headmaster; Timothy Spall potrays Peter Pettigrew, an old friend of Harry's father, James Potter, from their days at Hogwarts; David Thewlis plays Professor Lupin, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor who harbours a mysterious secret; Pam Ferris plays Harry's overbearing Aunt Marge; and Pul Whitehouse portrays Sir Caddogam, a knight who becomes the temporary guardian of Gryffindor Tower.
Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire
This film tell about tale of Harry Potter n his friend.
The pivotal fourth novel inthe seven-part tale og Harry Potter's trainning as a wizard and his coming of age.
Harry want to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys.
He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush ( and maybe do more than dream ).
He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Howgwarts this year, an even involving two oyher rival school of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years.
He wants to be a normal, fourteen-years-old wizard.
Unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal, even by wizarding standards. And his case, different can be deadly.
This film is compatible for adolescent till adult.